Friday, March 28, 2008

Besides Me...

And all that is left of me is bits and scraps that the old dogs ever so kindly refrained to touch.
For all those times I counted tears that fell in my lap, and the heart that crashed and burnt. For every memory long forgotten and every sacrifice unnoticed.

Nothing completes as well as this. People hear but no one listens as well as this. My drug, my addiction, my passion. And no you don't take this away. Because I am stronger than ever before. Holding on. Passing over. Moving on.

Hated you ever since I cried in your arms and you washed it away with no loving. And you are family, I suppose. Give me the li'l pink bicycle and the purple hoola-hoops, the black worn out sneakers and the puddles of mud in the rain. The backyard swing set. The silver stars. The Halloween treats. The nuzzling.

How would you take it away? the pain, the hate, the lies, the empty promises.


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